Why Am I Quitting. . . And How Can I Stop?
So you set yourself a goal, and you didn’t stick with it.
That schedule of going to the gym tapered off. Your six A.M. runs lasted a week or two and then stopped. Your meal prep moved over to make room for takeout.
Instead of labeling yourself a quitter (why so judgy?), what would happen if you went back to that goal with curious eyes and investigated what happened? If you let it be the first step in a process, rather than a definitive ending?
Healthy Running Habits: Feel Awesome, Run Forever
Running is good for you, right? Healthy people run. Just look at those tanned, lean people loping along, gazelle-like, without a care in the world. So running will make me healthy, just like them. Right?
Maybe, if you approach it the right way! But let’s clear up some misconceptions. . .
The Off Season
I trained my butt off this fall, building my running up through the summer to prepare for a 50k trail race at the beginning of October. All that training carried me over the finish line of a super challenging goal event feeling strong. It felt awesome. Then I ate a burrito, slept in the car on the way home, and thought about how nice it would be to have Saturday mornings free again. After that huge build up of back-to-back weekend long runs, I felt tired, accomplished-- and ready for a break.
Why seasons matter
If you grew up playing sports, you had a built-in structure: fall, winter, spring. Maybe it was football, basketball, soccer. Or cross country, indoor, outdoor. You focused on something for a few months, you had a little break, then you focused on something else. Maybe you even took the whole summer off and just did whatever seemed fun (cannonball!!).
How To Join A Running Group (And Why)
I used to do every run by myself. I'm an introvert and I like my routines and my schedule. Talking to people and planning my day around some pre-set run time just didn't seem like the thing. Until I tried it. Now, I'm hooked. What's go great about getting sweaty with other humans?
How to stop getting injured all the time: A primer for runners
The sun is out. The bright mornings and long evenings have you psyched for some nice, long runs. You found a cool race to sign up for. You dove into your training with both feet. It was awesome. And then. . . you got hurt.
3 tips for moms to go from exhausted to energized
In my coaching practice, I work with a lot of caregivers. This includes people in helping professions, like nurses, counselors, teachers, and public servants. It also includes folks who care for others at home, whether it's their kids, their parents, or other relatives who need support. And some people fill all of these roles. Many of these people are mothers. The most common thing I hear from these folks is that they are exhausted. They miss their energy.
Does this sound familiar? You love and value your role as a caregiver. You want to enjoy the time you have together and be fully present. You want to meet their needs. And somewhere along the way, you want to reconnect with your body, your adventurous dreams, and your independent self.
What shifts can moms and other caregivers make to go from exhausted to energized?
How an integrative health coach can help you
As a nurse practitioner and integrative health coach, I help people who want to feel better. To do this, I work alongside you to identify meaningful health goals and create and implement realistic and achievable plans to move towards them. If you are struggling with not feeling as good as you'd like to, managing symptoms, facing a new medical diagnosis, frustrated with your interactions with the medical system, feel like you're tried everything and nothing helps, or you're just trying to get started with some healthy routines, integrative health coaching may be just the thing! And by choosing a coach with advanced healthcare training, you ensure that you are getting safe, smart, evidence-based guidance.
healing, not hacks
In my clinical practice, I get a lot of questions about trendy health topics making the rounds on tiktok and instagram. Some of these so-called hacks are fine ideas for the right person at the right time. But are they the right thing for you, today?
Why can’t I sleep?
Have you ever:
taken an accidental nap? (what time is it? AT NIGHT??)
gone to bed exhausted, but lay awake for an eternity, thinking about everything and nothing all at once?
gotten 8 hours of sleep but still felt so tired in the morning that you almost (or actually) left the house wearing two different shoes?
decided against a workout because you were just too tired to think about finding a clean sports bra?
raided your sugar stash to make it through an afternoon meeting?
f, all of the above?
Feeling better when you’re stressed
What does chronic emotional and psychological stress do to the body? Why are doctors always telling us to manage stress better? Is managing stress really that important to health and well-being? How do I even go about “stress relief”? What are some stress management tips? These are questions I hear all the time, and I’m going to dig in, so get a cup of herbal tea and settle in for a good read!
When our brain perceives a stressor, our body reacts. This is on purpose: the autonomic nervous system allows the body to respond when something requires us to react to protect ourselves.