
Embracing Athletic Identity
running, sports E K running, sports E K

Embracing Athletic Identity

Last night, I went to watch a track meet. An amazing group of humans turned up to run fast laps around the oval: there were high school athletes, college athletes, local amateur athletes, Special Olympics athletes, and even professional athletes. All ages, all levels– and all of them working at their limits.

The energy was electric– runners warming up everywhere. Coaches shouting out advice and splits to racers. Game faces on.

I watched from the grandstand (ok, and also from the beer garden) and marveled at the whole event. Despite being a dedicated runner, I had never, in my 40 years on the planet, been to a track meet before.

Why, I wondered, had I missed out on the fun for so long?

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Why Am I Quitting. . . And How Can I Stop?
health coaching E K health coaching E K

Why Am I Quitting. . . And How Can I Stop?

So you set yourself a goal, and you didn’t stick with it.

That schedule of going to the gym tapered off. Your six A.M. runs lasted a week or two and then stopped. Your meal prep moved over to make room for takeout.

Instead of labeling yourself a quitter (why so judgy?), what would happen if you went back to that goal with curious eyes and investigated what happened? If you let it be the first step in a process, rather than a definitive ending?

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